برنامه همه کاره گوشی های htc اچ تی سی جهت سرویس دهی گوشی های اچ تی سی
با وجود این برنامه دیگر نیازی به خرید دانگل یا باکس htc نمیباشد
این برنامه برای اولین بار در ایران از سایت جنوب جی اس ام پخش میشود.
قیمت این دانگل بالا 250 هزارتومن میباشد با داشتن این برنامه نیازی به خرید دانگل نمیباشد
100 درصد تست شده و بدون مشکل
با 50 درصد تخفیف
با قیمت بسیار مناسب.
در صورت نیاز به پشتیبانی با شماره 09385259004 تماس بگیرید.
بخشی از ساپورت این برنامه
IR-Key Suite is a dongle protected software dedicated to fully service Android phones.
With IR-Key you can perform many different functions on HTC phones including: create original ROM, and install ROM in custom recovery, unlock and Root of all prescriptions. ( Directly and installation ), unlock pattern lock, unlock Gmail Account, unlock User lock, upgrade all partitions, upgrade all partitions in Fast boot, upgrade all partitions in HBoots, upgrade all partitions in Recovery, S-OFF
Create original ROM, and install ROM in custom recovery
Unlock and Root of all prescriptions. ( Directly and installation )
Unlock pattern lock.
Unlock Gmail Account.
Unlock User lock.
Upgrade all partitions.
Upgrade all partitions in Fast boot
Upgrade all partitions in HBoots
Upgrade all partitions in Recovery
Making of Gold card is now more easy make
Making Gold Card with an easy way to break even for the phones
Create and Change animated boot
Making a Rom completely, independent partitions Fully Auto
Construction and installations of Automatic recovery
Making Gold Card for Downgrade - Root - Unlock - Through the recovery menu
Install Android Operation system and Linux Firefox on Windows mobile
Pattern lock with 3 different unlocking method of recovery mode on boot
Unlock network lock ( Coming Soon )
Making Gold card with totally brand new method
Commander added for all manage orders for the android phones
Troubleshooting error messages when handling an official rom
A new way to install costom rom
A new way to install CWM Flash rom
Making Diag file to calibrate various mobiles phones
fix some of the flaws in problem
One the most iimporant part have veen added to software that download Original Room
Definition updates Auto
Supported Models / Features List
Change CID:
ACE, Bliss, Bravo, Buzz, Calib, CHACHA, Doubleshot, DLX_WLG, ETERNITY, EVITA#UL, Express, FLYER, GOLD, GOLF#U, HOLIDAY, Iolit, Jade, K2_U/UL, Legend, Leo, Liberty, MARVEL, MOZART, M7, Deluxe_J, OMEGA, Puccini, Photon, PYRAMID, RUNNYMEDE, SAGA, SCHUBERT, SPARK, VILLE, Vision, VIVO
Ace, Blackston, Bravo, Buzz, Captain, Chacha, Click, Clio, Diamond, Elf, Endeavorc2, EndeavorU, Eternity, EvitaUL, Flyer, Gold, GolfU, Holiday, Icon, Jade, K2, Kaiser, Legend, Leo, Liberty, Lolit, Marvel, Mega, Mozart, Omega, Pharos, Photon, Pico, PrimoU, ProtoU, Pyramid, Raphael, Rhodium, Runnymade, Saga, Sapphire, Schubert, ShooterU, Spark, Topaz, VilleC2, VilleU, Vision, Vivo, Vox
S-OFF & SuperCID
Ace, Blackston, Captain, Doubleshot, DLX_WLG, Diamond, Elf, Eternity, Flyer, Jade, K2, Kaiser, Leo, Mega, Mozart, M7, Deluxe_J, lexicone, Omega, Puccini, Pyramid, Raphael, Rhodium, Runnymade, Schubert, ShooterU, Spark, Topaz, Espresso, Supersonic, Speedy, Ruby, VilleU
Repair IMEI
Flyer, DLX_WLG, Express, K2, M7, Deluxe_J, Puccini, Pyramid, Runnymade,ShooterU, Shooterk,VilleUSim
Network Unlock
Doubleshot, Flyer, DLX_WLG, Express, K2, lexicone, M7, Deluxe_J, Pico, Pyramid, Runnymade, Espresso, Supersonic, Speedy, Ruby, VilleU
Install Android on Windows Mobile phones.
Leo, Photon, Blackston, Diamond,Kasky(k1,Topaz)
Unlock pattern lock - Gmail - user locked
All Android Devices
Upgrade all partitions In the states - Fast Boot - HBoots - recovery with the new method
HTC Devices
Making Gold Card with an easy way to break even for the phones
HTC Devices
Create and change animated boot. Quick and Easy
All Android Devices
Installing applications with different features
All Android Devices
Making a Rom completely independent partitions. Fully automatic
HTC Devices
Construction and installation of automatic recovery.
All Android Devices
Making Gold Card - downgrade - Root - unlock - through the recovery menu..
All Android Devices
File management with complete facilities.
All Android Devices
Imaging in stationary and mobile.
All Android Devices
Install Android OS and Linux Firebird.
Windows Mobile.
Pattern Lock with 3 unlocking method of recovery mode on boot.
All Android Devices
Root, a new way.
All Android Devices
Making gold card with the new method.
HTC Devices
Commander added to all orders for the Android.
All Android Devices
A new way to install ROM cuastm. (CWM Flasher)
All Android Devices
Build and install a boot animation from pictures and personal videos.
All Android Devices
Controlled by a computer, mobile phone with picture.
All Android Devices
View performance of the mobile phone and save it.
All Android Devices
دانلود کرک دانگل IR Key (آی آر کی IR Key crack) مخصوص گوشی های htc