کتاب تحلیل ماشین با نرمافزارهای کامپیوتری برای مهندسان مکانیک (Machine Analysis with Computer Applications for Mechanical Engineers)، هدف این کتاب ایجاد انگیزه در دانشجویان برای یادگیری تحلیل ماشین به واسطه نظریه تقویت و نرمافزارها در سراسر متن میباشد. نویسنده از رویکرد عملی مشتاقانه شامل عکسهای مکانیزم واقعی به جای تصاویر خطی مطلق استفاده نموده است و دانشجویان را به سمت توسعه نرمافزار شخصی خود برای تحلیل مکانیزم با استفاده از اکسل و متلب هدایت کرده است. این کتاب مشتمل بر 555 صفحه، در 13 فصل، به زبان انگلیسی، همراه با تصاویر به ترتیب زیر گردآوری شده است:
Chapter 1: Introductory Concepts
- Introduction to Machines
- Units
- Machines and Mechanisms
- Linkage Mechanisms
- Common Types of Linkage Mechanisms
- Gears
- Cams
- Solution Methods
- Methods of Problem Solving
- Review and Summary
Chapter 2: Essential Kinematics Concepts
- Introdction
- Basic Concepts of Velocity and Acceleration
- Translational Motion
- Rotation about a Fixed Axis
- General Plane Motion
- Computer Methods
- Review and Summary
Chapter 3: Linkage Position Analysis
- Introduction
- Mobility
- Inversion
- Grashof’s Criterion
- Coupler Curves
- Cognate Linkages
- Transmission Angle
- Geometrical Method of Position Analysis
- Analytical Position Analysis
- Toggle Positions
- Review and Summary
Chapter 4: Linkage Velocity and Acceleration Analysis
- Introduction
- Finite Displacement: Approximate Velocity Analysis
- Instantaneous Centers of Rotation
- Graphical Velocity Analysis
- Analytical Velocity Analysis Methods
- Graphical Acceleration Analysis Methods
- Analytical Acceleration Analysis Methods
- Kinematic Analysis of Linkage Mechanisms with Moving Slides
- Review and Summary
Chapter 5: Linkage Synthesis
- Introduction
- Synthesis
- Two-Position Graphical Dimensional Synthesis
- Three-Position Graphical Dimensional Synthesis
- Approximate Dwell Linkage Mechanisms
- Quick Return Mechanisms
- Function Generation
- Review and Summary
Chapter 6: Computational Methods for Linkage Mechanism Kinematics
- Introduction
- Matrix Review
- Position Equations
- Velocity Analysis
- Acceleration Equations
- Dynamic Simulation Using Autodesk Inventor
- Review and Summary
Chapter 7: Gear Analysis
- Introduction
- Involute Curves
- Terminology
- Tooth Contact
- Analysis of Spur Gears
- Analysis of Parallel Helical Gears
- Analysis of Crossed Helical Gears
- Analysis of Bevel Gears
- Analysis of Worm Gearing
- Review and Summary
Chapter 8: Gear Trains
- Introduction
- Simple Gear Trains
- Compound Gear Trains
- Reverted Compound Gear Trains
- Gear Trains with Different Types of Gears
- Planetary Gear Trains
- Differentials
- Computer Methods for Gear Train Design
- Review and Summary
Chapter 9: Cams
- Introduction
- Types of Cams and Followers
- Basic Concepts of Cam Geometry and Cam Profiles
- Common Cam Functions
- Using Cam Functions for Specific Applications
- Application of Cam Functions for Double-Dwell Mechanisms
- Application of Cam Functions for Single-Dwell Mechanisms
- Application of Cam Functions for Critical Path Motion
- Cam Geometry
- Determining Cam Size
- Design of Cam Profiles
- Computer Methods for Cam Design
- Review and Summary
Chapter 10: Vibration Theory
- Introduction
- System Components
- Frequency and Period
- Undamped Systems
- Torsional Systems
- Logarithmic Decrement
- Forced Vibration: Harmonic Forcing Functions
- Response of Undamped Systems to General Loading
- Review and Summary
Chapter 11: Dynamic Force Analysis
- Introduction
- Superposition Method of Force Analysis
- Matrix Method Force Analysis
- Sliding Joint Forces
- Energy Methods of Force Analysis: Method of Virtual Work
- Force Analysis for Slider–Crank Mechanisms Using Lumped Mass
- Gear Forces
- Computer Methods
- Review and Summary
Chapter 12: Balancing of Machinery
- Introduction
- Static Balancing
- Dynamic Balancing
- Vibration from Rotating Unbalance
- Balancing Slider–Crank Linkage Mechanisms
- Balancing Linkage Mechanisms
- Flywheels
- Measurement Devices
- Computer Methods
- Review and Summary
Chapter 13: Applications of Machine Dynamics
- Introduction
- Cam Response for Simple Harmonic Functions
- General Response Using Laplace Transform Method
- System Response Using Numerical Methods
- Advanced Cam Functions
- Forces Acting on the Follower
- Computer Applications of Cam Response
- Internal Combustion Engines
- Common Arrangements of Multicylinder Engines
- Flywheel Analysis for Internal Combustion Engines
- Review and Summary
جهت خرید کتاب تحلیل ماشین با نرمافزارهای کامپیوتری برای مهندسان مکانیک (Machine Analysis with Computer Applications for Mechanical Engineers)، به مبلغ فقط 3000 تومان و دانلود آن بر لینک پرداخت و دانلود در پنجره زیر کلیک نمایید.
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کتاب تحلیل ماشین با نرمافزارهای کامپیوتری برای مهندسان مکانیک