We have come a long way since the days when abdominal wall contouring was performed
by simple dermolipectomies, with no attention to diastasis correction and
muscular reinforcement, and little regard for the final aesthetic result. Nowadays, an
abdominoplasty may be indicated for even the most demanding of patients. Details
such as placement of the incision and umbilicoplasty are meticulously planned so as
to conceal undesirable scars. Since the advent of suction-assisted lipectomy, in association
with a classical operation or as an isolated procedure, the plastic surgeon has
become capable of remodeling the entire trunk, assuring removal of considerable
amounts of adipose tissue. Drs. Shiffman and Mirrafati have brought all of these
aspects together, in this most timely book, Aesthetic Surgery of the Abdominal Wall.
Here the reader will find an all-encompassing textbook, written in collaboration
with outstanding colleagues, all of whomhave contributed to this field of plastic surgery
that has been of particular interest to me. I am sure that, for both the younger
and the more experienced surgeon, this book will become a reference text, covering
all aspects of plastic abdominal surgery.
جراحی زیبایی شکم -Aesthetic Surgery of the Abdominal - زبان اصلی