سورنا فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

سورنا فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

Women health

اختصاصی از سورنا فایل Women health دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Women health

Women health

Ovid: Women's Health

Welcome to the fifth edition of Women's Health. Rather than simply updating existing chapters we have tried to approach the subject matter afresh. To this end, there are many new authors giving new perspectives on subjects such as premenstrual syndrome, the menopause, urinary incontinence, breast disorders, sexual problems, and promoting the health of women. There are new chapters on vulval disorders, familial cancers, and domestic violence. The subject of cancer screening has been broadened to include cervical, breast, and ovarian screening, all of which are now brought together in a single chapter. All authors have been carefully chosen for their expertise in the field and continue to be GPs or to have an understanding of the particular needs of primary care. Certain elements from previous editions do not appear in this edition to keep the book to manageable size.
Just as space in the book is a problem for the editors, time limitation during the consultation is an issue for most women visiting their GPs. We have included examples of model ten-minute consultations throughout the book. The idea is to try and distil the salient points in the history and examination as well as the key issues to be discussed with the patient. Of course in practice we know that patients often come back for follow-up consultations and that there is no single right way of dealing with a problem. We hope that GPs will find the consultations helpful as a guide to how they might best use the time available when seeing patients.


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Women health

اسلاید : سلامت همراه یا Mobile Health

اختصاصی از سورنا فایل اسلاید : سلامت همراه یا Mobile Health دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

اسلاید : سلامت همراه یا Mobile Health

اسلاید : سلامت همراه یا Mobile Health

کاملا اورجینال و مقاله محور

حاوی 40 اسلاید

به زبان فارسی

حاوی مطالبی از قبیل چالشها، اصول پیاده سازی، مثالهایی از کاربرد به خصوص حوزه پرستاری 

خوش فرم و دو رنگ


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اسلاید : سلامت همراه یا Mobile Health

Public health law and tuberculosis control in Europe

اختصاصی از سورنا فایل Public health law and tuberculosis control in Europe دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

R.J. Cokera,, S. Mounier-Jacka, R. Martinb


Summary Background: Tuberculosis control is an important public health challenge
in many European countries. Law is an important tool that policy-makers can
draw upon to support control efforts and, according to the World Health
Organization, represents a tangible expression of political commitment and will.
Despite this, little national research, and even less cross-national comparative
research, has been conducted to describe and analyse legislative approaches to
tuberculosis control.
Methods: We conducted a survey of 14 European countries to identify, describe,
map and analyse legislative tools used to support tuberculosis control.
Results: We found a wide range of legislative models. Legal measures available to
nation states, such as compulsory examination, compulsory screening, compulsory
detention, compulsory treatment and compulsory vaccination, vary widely in both
scope and number. We identified a typology of legal frameworks, from the most
authoritarian to the least restrictive. It seems likely that the application of some
laws might not withstand scrutiny under the European Convention for the Protection
of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
Conclusions: Harmonization of legislative response to infectious diseases, based
upon sound evidence, may be necessary if collaborative efforts in support of
infectious disease control, as envisaged in the new International Health Regulations,
are to be most effective and are to reflect more appropriately a globalized 21st
century world.

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Public health law and tuberculosis control in Europe

کتاب Health Physics in the 21st Century زبان اصلی

اختصاصی از سورنا فایل کتاب Health Physics in the 21st Century زبان اصلی دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

کتاب Health Physics in the 21st Century زبان اصلی

کتاب Health Physics in the 21st Century زبان اصلی

کتاب Health Physics in the 21st Century زبان اصلی

Joseph John Bevelacqua


حجم فایل: 2 مگابایت

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کتاب Health Physics in the 21st Century زبان اصلی