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مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

کتاب Advanced Surfaces for Stem Cell Research سال انتشار (2016)

اختصاصی از سورنا فایل کتاب Advanced Surfaces for Stem Cell Research سال انتشار (2016) دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

کتاب Advanced Surfaces for Stem Cell Research سال انتشار (2016)

کتاب Advanced Surfaces for Stem Cell Research سال انتشار (2016)

کتاب Advanced Surfaces for Stem Cell Research سال انتشار (2016)

ناشر: (Wiley (2016

نویسندگان: A. Tiwari و B. Garipcan و L. Uzun

زبان کتاب انگلیسی و در 473 صفحه است.

فایل PDF کتاب با بهترین کیفیت و قابلیت جستجو در متن و کپی برداری از متن است.






معرفی کتاب توسط ناشر:


The book outlines first the importance of Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM), which is a natural surface for most of cells. In the following chapters the influence of biological, chemical, mechanical, and physical properties of surfaces in micro and nano-scale on stem cell behavior are discussed including the mechanotransduction. Biomimetic and bioinspired approaches are highlighted for developing microenvironment of several tissues, and surface engineering applications are discussed in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and different type of biomaterials in various chapters of the book

This book brings together innovative methodologies and strategies adopted in the research and development of Advanced Surfaces in Stem Cell Research. Well-known worldwide researchers deliberate subjects including

Extracellular matrix proteins for stem cell fate
The superficial mechanical and physical properties of matrix microenvironment as stem cell fate regulator
Effects of mechanotransduction on stem cell behavior
Modulation of stem cells behavior through bioactive surfaces
Influence of controlled micro and nanoengineered surfaces on stem cell fate
Nanostructured polymeric surfaces for stem cells
Laser surface modification techniques and stem cells applications
Plasma polymer deposition: a versatile tool for stem cell research
Application of bioreactor concept and modeling techniques in bone regeneration and augmentation treatments
Substrates and surfaces for control of pluripotent stem cell fate and function
Application of biopolymer-based, surface modified devices in transplant medicine and tissue engineering
Silk as a natural biopolymer for tissue engineering

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کتاب Advanced Surfaces for Stem Cell Research سال انتشار (2016)

راهنمای درمانی آنتی بادی-Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces

اختصاصی از سورنا فایل راهنمای درمانی آنتی بادی-Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

راهنمای درمانی آنتی بادی-Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces

راهنمای درمانی آنتی بادی-Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces

نویسنده:Stefan Dubel , Janice M. Reichert

تاریخ انتشار:سپتامبر2014

تعداد صفحه:2333

کیفیت کتاب:تایپ شده



Still the most comprehensive reference source on the development, production and therapeutic application of antibodies, this second edition is thoroughly updated and now has 30% more content.

Volume 1 covers selection and engineering strategies for new antibodies, while the second volume presents novel therapeutic concepts and antibodies in clinical study, as well as their potential. Volumes 3 and 4 feature detailed and specific information about each antibody approved for therapeutic purposes, including clinical data. This unique handbook concludes with a compendium of marketed monoclonal antibodies and an extensive index.

Beyond providing current knowledge, the authors discuss emerging technologies, future developments, and intellectual property issues, such that this handbook meets the needs of
academic researchers, decision makers in industry and healthcare professionals in the clinic.

Table of Contents


Therapeutic Antibodies - From Past to Future
Stefan Dübel


Selection Strategies I: Monoclonal Antibodies
Gerhard Moldenhauer

Selection Strategies II: Antibody Phage Display
Michael Hust, Andre Frenzel, Florian Tomszak, Jonas Köller

Transgenic Animals Derived by DNA Microinjection
Marianne Brüggemann, Michael J. Osborn, Biao Moa, Suzanne Avis, Ignacio Anegon, Roland Bülow

Molecular Engineering I: Humanisation Strategies
Jose Saldanha

Antibody Affinity
Andre Frenzel, Lorin Roskos, Scott Klakamp, Meina Liang, Rosalin Arends, Larry Green

Molecular Engineering III: Fc
Thomas Valerius, Matthias Peipp, Stefanie Derer, Stefan Lohse, Christian Kellner

Glycosylation of Antibody Molecules
Roy Jefferis

Bioinformatics Tools for Analysis of Antibodies
Andrew C. R. Martin, James Allen

How to use IMGT for Therapeutic Antibody Engineering
Marie-Paul Lefranc


Bispecific Antibodies
Roland E. Kontermann, Dafne Müller

Single Domain Antibodies: An Overview
Carrie Enever, Edward Coulstock, Malgorzata Pupecka-Swider, B. Hamilton

Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs): New Frontier in Cancer Therapeutics
Ravi Chari, Rajeeva Singh, John M. Lambert

Antibody Targeted Drugs: From Chemical Immunoconjugates to Recombinant Fusion Proteins
Jürgen Krauss, Athanasios Mavratzas, Michaela A. E. Arndt, Stefan Kiesgen


Emerging Technologies for Antibody Selection
Mike Taussig, Mingyue He

Anti-idiotypic Antibodies
Alejandro Lopez-Requena, Oscar Roberto Burrone, Rolando Perez

Non-antibody Scaffolds as Alternative Therapeutic Agents
Arne Skerra, Markus Fiedler

Antibody Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy (ADEPT)
Surinder K. Sharma, Kerry A. Chester, Kenneth D. Bagshawe

Engineered Antibody Domains as Candidate Therapeutics
Weizao Chen, Ponraj Prabakaran, Dimiter S. Dimitrov

Chimeric Antigen Receptors - "CARs"
Thomas Schirrmann, Ulf Petrausch

Emerging Alternative Production Systems
Thomas Jostock, Benjamin Sommer, Holger Laux, Andre Frenzel



Process Development and Manufacturing of Therapeutic Antibodies
Hitto Kaufmann, Alexander Jacobi, Barbara Enenkel, Patrick Garidel, Christian Eckermann, Mathias Knappenberger, Ingo Presser

The Immunogenicity of Therapeutic Antibodies
Melody Sauerborn

Biosimilar Monoclonal Antibodies
Susanne D. Pippig, Carsten Brockmeyer, Robert E. Zoubek

Patent Issues Relating to Therapeutic Antibodies
Michael Braunagel, Barbara Rigby, Deborah Owen


Monoclonal Antibodies in Phase III Clinical Trials
Peter Markus Deckert, Ulf Petrausch

Antibodies in Early Phase Clinical Studies: Cancer Therapy
Anthony Olszanski, Matthew Zibelman, Hossein Borghaei

Targeting Angiogenesis by Therapeutic Antibodies
Thomas Effert, Onat Kadioglu, Ean Jeong Seo

Antibodies in Phase 3: Immunological Disorders
Penelope Ward, Mark Bodmer

Monoclonal Antibodies in Phase 1 and 2 Studies for Immunological Disorders
Frank Brennan

MAbs Targeting Soluble Mediators in Phase 1 and 2 Clinical Studies Immunological Disorders
Frank Brennan

T Cell Inhibitors in Phase 1 and 2 Clinical Studies for Immunological Disorders
Frank Brennan

B Cell Inhibitors in Phase 1 and 2 Clinical Studies for Immunological Disorders
Frank Brennan

Inhibitors of Leukocyte Adhesion and Migration in Phase 1 and 2 Clinical Studies for Immunological Disorders
Frank Brennan

Toll-Like Receptor Inhibitors in Phase 1 and 2 Clinical Studies for Immunological Disorders
Frank Brennan

IgE Inhibitors in Phase 1 and 2 Clinical Studies for Immunological Disorders
Frank Brennan

Complement Inhibitors in Phase 1 and 2 Clinical Studies for Immunological Disorders
Frank Brennan

mAbs Targeting Apoptosis, Angiogenesis Inhibitors and other mAbs in Phase 1 and 2 Clinical Studies for Immunological Disorders
Frank Brennan

Antibodies in Clinical Study: Infectious Diseases
Guillaume Descoubeaux

Immunotherapeutics for Neurological Disorders
Anne Messer, Kevin Manley, Cynthia A. Lemere


Regulatory Considerations in the Development of Monoclonal Antibodies for Diagnosis and Therapy
Marjorie A. Shapiro, Patrick G. Swann, Stacey Ricci

Regulatory Review: Clinical to Market Transition
Gabriele Dallmann

Monoclonal antibody nomenclature for clinical studies (USA)
Stephanie Shubat



Oligoclonal and Polyclonal Antibody Preparations
Mark C. Glassy, Rishab K. Gupta

Adalimumab (Humira)
Janice Reichert

Alemtuzumab (Lemtrada, MabCampath)
Janice Reichert, Thomas Elter, Michael Hallek

Basiliximab and Daclizumab
Nasimul Ahsan, Burcin Taner, Nadim Mahmud

Belimumab (Benlysta)
David P. D´Cruz, Pamela M.K. Lutalo, Natasha Jordan, Thi-Sau Migone

Brentuximab vedotin (Adcetris)
Neils van de Donk

Canakinumab (ILARIS)
Hermann Gram

Catumaxomab (Removab) - Trifunctional Antibodies: Combining Direct Tumor Cell Killing with Therapeutic Vaccination
Horst Lindhofer, M. Stanglmaier, R. Buhmann, M. Jäger, D. Klunker, P. Ruf, J. Hess

Cetuximab (Erbitux)
Sonja Wilke, Michael Hust

Denosumab (Prolia)
Torsten Meyer

Efalizumab (Raptiva)
Karlheinz Schmitt-Rau

Calicheamycin Conjugates: Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin (Mylotarg), Inotuzumab Ozogamicin
Martin Gramatzki, Matthias Peipp

Golimumab (Simponi)
Janice Reichert, Sohini Mazumdar

Yttrium-90 Ibritumomab Tiuxetan (Zevalin)
Karin Hohloch, Björn Chapuy, Lorenz Trümper

Infliximab (Remicade)
Christian Antoni

Ipilimumab (Yervoy)
Javier Puente, Teresa Alonso Gordoa, Eduardo Diaz-Rubio

Muromonab-CD3 (Orthoclone OKT3)
Janice Reichert, Harald Becker

Nimotuzumab: A Humanized Anti-EGFR Antibody
Tania Crombet

Christian Klein, Marina Bacac, Pablo Umana, Michael Wenger


Ofatumumab: A Next-Generation Human Therapeutic CD20 Antibody with Potent Complement-Dependent Cytotoxicity
Ronald P. Taylor, Margaret A. Lindorfer, Joost Bakker, Paul Parren

Omalizumab (Xolair) - Anti-Immunoglobulin E Treatment in Allergic Diseases
Klaus Kroegel, Martin Foerster

Louis Bont

Panitumumab (Vectibix) - A Treatment for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Jonas Kügler

Pertuzumab (Perjeta)
Jose Angel Garcia-Saenz, Fernando Moreno Anton, Coralia Bueno Muino

Ranibizumab (Lucentis): A New Anti-angiogenic Treatment in Ophthalmology
Nicolas Leveziel, Marc Ohresser, Gilles Paintaud

Raxibacumab - Human Monoclonal Antibody Against Anthrax Toxin
Sally Bolmer, Thi-Sau Migone

Rituximab (Rituxan)
Stefan Dübel, Axel Boehnke, Michael Wenger

Tocilizumab (Actemra)
Graeme Jones

Trastuzumab (Herceptin) and Ado-Trastuzumab Emtansine (T-DM1)
M. H. Ruhe Chowdhury, Paul Ellis

Ustekinumab (Stelara)
Stefan Dübel, Oya Cingoz, Janice Reichert

Abciximab, Bevacizumab, Certolizumab pegol, Eculizumab, Natalizumab
Janice Reichert

Itolizumab (Alzumab), Mogamulizumab (Poteligeo) and Tositumomab (Bexxar)
Stefan Dübel


Radiolabeled Antibodies for Diagnostic Imaging
Christopher J. Palestro




Author Information

Stefan Dübel received his Ph.D. at the Center for Molecular Biology in Heidelberg, Germany, before moving on to the German Cancer Research Center in 1989 where he started research on the development of antibody libraries with naive or synthetic CDRs. In the following years, he substantially participated in the invention of antibody phage display, as well as other recombinant antibody technologies and the development of various antibody fusion proteins. In 1996, he moved to the University of Heidelberg to establish the antibody engineering group at the Institute of Molecular Genetics. He was appointed full professor at the Technische Universität Braunschweig in 2002, where he currently is head of the Department of Biotechnology and managing director of the Institute of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. He has co-authored more than 100 original papers, many patents, as well as several acknowledged textbooks in the field of recombinant antibodies. He is also on the editorial board of several scientific journals and cofounder of two antibody engineering companies.

Janice M. Reichert is an internationally recognized expert in the development of antibody therapeutics. She is Founder and Managing Director of Reichert Biotechnology Consulting LLC, a pharmaceutical business intelligence research firm, and the founding Editor-in-Chief of "mAbs", a peer-reviewed, PubMed-indexed biomedical journal that focuses on topics relevant to antibody research and development. Dr. Reichert has published extensively on development trends for antibody therapeutics and she has presented her research results as an invited speaker at conferences held worldwide. She is President of The Antibody Society and serves on the editorial boards of several biomedical journals. Dr. Reichert received her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania and her post-doctoral training at Harvard Medical School.
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راهنمای درمانی آنتی بادی-Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces