سورنا فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

سورنا فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

Cloud computing adoption framework: A security framework for business clouds

اختصاصی از سورنا فایل Cloud computing adoption framework: A security framework for business clouds دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Cloud computing adoption framework: A security framework for business clouds

ژورنال:Future Generation Computer Systems

سال: April 2016

قیمت اصلی:19.95$


We demonstrate CCAF multi-layered security.

We explain the mappings between CCAF multi-layered architecture and core technologies

We performed penetration testing and SQL injection on CCAF multi-layered security.

Results and analysis by CCAF are better than those produced by the other tools.

CCAF multi-layered security blends with policy, services and business activities.


This article presents a cloud computing adoption framework (CCAF) security suitable for business clouds. CCAF multilayered security is based on the development and integration of three major security technologies: firewall, identity management, and encryption based on the development of enterprise file sync and share technologies. This article presents the vision, related works, and views on security framework. Core technologies have been explained in detail, and experiments were designed to demonstrate the robustness of the CCAF multilayered security. In penetration testing, CCAF multilayered security could detect and block 99.95% viruses and trojans, and could achieve ≥85% of blocking for 100 h of continuous attack. Detection and blocking took View the MathML source/trojan or virus. A full CCAF multilayered security protection could block all SQL (structured query language) injection, providing real protection to data. CCAF multilayered security did not report any false alarm. All F-measures for CCAF test results were ≥99.75%. The mechanism of blending of CCAF multilayered security with policy, real services, and business activities has been illustrated. Research contributions have been justified and CCAF multilayered security can be beneficial for volume, velocity, and veracity of big data services operated in the cloud.


  • Cloud computing adoption framework (CCAF), OpenStack, CCAF multi layered security, Security for business clouds

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Cloud computing adoption framework: A security framework for business clouds

Authentication in mobile cloud computing: A survey

اختصاصی از سورنا فایل Authentication in mobile cloud computing: A survey دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Authentication in mobile cloud computing: A survey

ژورنال:Journal of Network and Computer Applications

سال: November 2015

قیمت اصلی:39.95$


Mobile cloud computing (MCC) is the state-of-the-art mobile distributed computing model that incorporates multitude of heterogeneous cloud-based resources to augment computational capabilities of the plethora of resource-constraint mobile devices. In MCC, execution time and energy consumption are significantly improved by transferring execution of resource-intensive tasks such as image processing, 3D rendering, and voice recognition from the hosting mobile to the cloud-based resources. However, accessing and exploiting remote cloud-based resources is associated with numerous security and privacy implications, including user authentication and authorization. User authentication in MCC is a critical requirement in securing cloud-based computations and communications. Despite its critical role, there is a gap for a comprehensive study of the authentication approaches in MCC which can provide a deep insight into the state-of-the-art research. This paper presents a comprehensive study of authentication methods in MCC to describe MCC authentication and compare it with that of cloud computing. The taxonomy of the state-of-the-art authentication methods is devised and the most credible efforts are critically reviewed. Moreover, we present a comparison of the state-of-the-art MCC authentication methods considering five evaluation metrics. The results suggest the need for futuristic authentication methods that are designed based on capabilities and limitations of MCC environment. Finally, the design factors deemed could lead to effective authentication mechanisms are presented, and open challenges are highlighted based on the weaknesses and strengths of existing authentication methods.


  • Cloud computing, Mobile cloud computing, Security,Authentication

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Authentication in mobile cloud computing: A survey

Understanding behavioral intention to use a cloud computing classroom: A multiple model comparison approach

اختصاصی از سورنا فایل Understanding behavioral intention to use a cloud computing classroom: A multiple model comparison approach دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Understanding behavioral intention to use a cloud computing classroom: A multiple model comparison approach

ژورنال:Information & Management

سال:November 2015

قیمت اصلی:35.95$


All six theoretical models have good explanatory power of behavioral intention (BI).

Based on variance explanation, the motivational model (MM) and the technology acceptance model (TAM) have stronger explanatory powers.

The theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the TAM have larger effect size compared to other theories.

Perceived usefulness (PU), attitude (ATT), cloud service quality (CSQ), perceived behavior control (PBC), result demonstration (RD), visibility (VIS), and cloud self-efficacy (CSE) are important factors of a unified model.


Cloud computing is an innovative information technology that has been applied to education and has facilitated the development of cloud computing classrooms; however, student behavioral intention (BI) toward cloud computing remains unclear. Most researchers have evaluated, integrated, or compared only few theories to examine user BI. In this study, we tested, compared, and unified six well-known theories, namely service quality (SQ), self-efficacy (SE), the motivational model (MM), the technology acceptance model (TAM), the theory of reasoned action or theory of planned behavior (TRA/TPB), and innovation diffusion theory (IDT), in the context of cloud computing classrooms. This empirical study was conducted using an online survey. The data collected from the samples (n = 478) were analyzed using structural equation modeling. We independently analyzed each theory, by formulating a united model. The analysis yielded three valuable findings. First, all six theoretical models and the united model exhibited adequate explanatory power. Second, variance explanation, Chi-squared statistics, effect size, and predictive relevance results revealed the ranking importance of the theoretical models. Third, the united model provided a comprehensive understanding of the factors that significantly affect the college students’ BI toward a cloud computing classroom. The discussions and implications of this study are critical for researchers and practitioners.


  • Cloud computing classroom, Innovation, Behavioral intention, Self efficacy (SE),Service quality (SQ), Innovation diffusion theory (IDT)

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Understanding behavioral intention to use a cloud computing classroom: A multiple model comparison approach

Intelligent techniques for secure financial management in cloud computing

اختصاصی از سورنا فایل Intelligent techniques for secure financial management in cloud computing دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Intelligent techniques for secure financial management in cloud computing

ژورنال:Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

سال:November 2015

قیمت اصلی:37.95$


A new intelligent technique for cloud computing information management was defined.

A new class of CFMSiC systems (Cognitive Financial Management Systems in the Cloud) dedicated to cloud-based semantic management of financial data was described.


This publication presents new classes of financial management systems. These systems will serve as examples of systems for the cognitive analysis of financial data with particular emphasis on analysing financial ratios. Semantic analysis will be an innovative component in financial management systems which will enhance the traditional solutions by adding elements of cognitive data interpretation and analysis. The systems thus built will constitute a class of intelligent management systems. Intelligent financial management systems will also be used to conceal data of a confidential and strategic nature. For this type of solutions, advanced information sharing schemes will be proposed to enable splitting the information among a defined group of secret trustees in an either equal or privileged way. In addition, a scheme for sharing financial data between groups of secret trustees who can jointly reconstruct the shared financial (strategic) information will be proposed. In addition, a new class of financial management systems will be defined which will be optimal for financial data management processes. The new solution will consist of CFMSiC systems (Cognitive Financial Management Systems in the Cloud) dedicated to cloud-based semantic management of financial data.

Motivation of the author’s study and this paper is to propose new aspects of the intelligent techniques dedicated for secure financial management in cloud computing. The most important research question is: which secure techniques are the optimal for secure strategic financial data management? To answer to this question it is important to conduct accurate analysis, which shows the efficiency in guaranteeing the secrecy of cognitive data analysis. Also, is necessary to discuss about the advanced techniques dedicated to secure strategic data in financial management processes. As a results of the author’s research, in this paper will be presented a strategic data sharing protocols in advanced threshold schemes, a sharing data schemes with a division into groups using advanced threshold schemes, and presentation of these solutions in a new class of information systems – in a CFMSiC systems (Cognitive Financial Management Systems in the Cloud) dedicated to managing financial data in the cloud.


  • Intelligent techniques, Financial management, Secure management, Cloud computing

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Intelligent techniques for secure financial management in cloud computing